Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, involve me and I will understand…. Planning your succession is quite simple … your next generation need to be involved.

In career terms we generally spend our 20’s learning and perfecting our craft and excelling in our chosen field of technical expertise. I believe one of the biggest mistakes we make in business is promoting people on the basis of their success as great technicians.

Emotional intelligence which enables us to grow and is vital to our ability to lead, is also a key cause of career derailment. We neglect this vital aspect of developing our people and as a result many individuals don’t tend to begin to really focus on it for themselves until much later in their lives and careers when, as they move up the hierarchy, they find they’re struggling with getting the best out of themselves and others.

It’s so important that we consciously support our next generation leaders to develop their EQ …

Self awareness– for example being able to make an accurate assessment of your own strengths and limitations. It’s a sign of low emotional intelligence when someone can’t recognise what they’re not good at and have the confidence to bring around them the people who fill their gaps. Only when you have a variety of skills and attributes do you have a team.

Social skills– for example organisational awareness and empathy are key in being able to successfully move people in a particular direction of travel and drive performance.

Self regulation– the ability to control potentially disruptive emotions and impulses so your people don’t have to spend disproportionate amounts of their time working out how to handle the boss!

Relationship management– the ability to foster deep, lasting and meaningful relationships, the capacity to inspire and align your team, influence change, resolve conflict, and develop people. It doesn’t matter whether you’re selling widgets or services – people buy people.

The benefits of bringing the best out in our people by design rather than leaving them to work it out the hard way are:
– They develop into well rounded people earlier in their careers and therefore add far more value to your business sooner and for longer.
– You won’t be worrying about succession because you’ll be clear, as will they, about who they are, and…
– You’ll have more time to pass on your knowledge!

If you would like to discuss succession management or next generation coaching with me, please email me at: or give me a call at 07747 456351.