What stands between you and realising your full potential?

My recent blog on confidence stimulated an unbelievable level of interest, two thirds of which was from women.  As I said in the blog, I coach as many men as I do women and confidence affects both in equal measure. What often further hinders women is a lack of self belief, which, for some, is constant and often serves to hold them back.

Managing self limiting beliefs – I call these, the voices in your head

It’s not unusual for your performance or aspirations to be held back by these voices which are usually YOU doing one of three things:

  • You questioning yourself
  • You beating yourself up for something
  • You creating barriers for yourself

The voices are emotion rather than logic based and have no value.  They simply serve to reduce and in some cases, if left unchallenged, do destroy your self belief.

Through coaching I help clients to manage the voices out and move forward by increasing the use of the following:

  • I can rather than “can I?”
  • “Ive learned rather than “I’ve failed” or “I got that wrong”
  • I’m goodrather than “Am I good enough?”

To successfully make the shift from questioning yourself to believing in yourself, you have to be willing to challenge your self limiting beliefs and be open to identifying and developing the following:

  • Absolute clarity of who you are
  • What really matters to you
  • Your key strengths
  • The type of environment you need to excel
  • Your transferable skills and attributes

£1,500 of investment in yourself will give you clarity and serve to empower you and give you the self belief to take the right direction with confidence. Please call me  (07747 457351) for a coffee if you want to discuss, with no obligation.